Jan 10, 2016


#realtalk I dyed my hair purple on Friday. I think the real reason I did it is because it bugs my mom. 
#realtalk At the begining of this class I thought my writing was gonna be the shiz but it turned out my writing was shiz. 
#realtalk I only own one tight shirt and when I wore it to school my friend told me she didn't know I was so skinny. 
#realtalk I cuddle more with my sister than I do with boys, but I don't mind. 
#realtalk Whenever it's summer I wish it were fall and whenever it's winter I wish it were spring. 
#realtalk One time I called Megan "Emily" on accident. 
#realtalk When I was in 5th grade I had one of those stupid littlest pet shop digital pets. I think it's still around somewhere. 
#realtalk I've kept a daily journal for 6 years. 
#realtalk I love drying flowers in the books I own. It's like a little piece of summer. 
#realtalk I don't ever wear leggings. 
#realtalk Hannah Montana was my favorite show in middle school, even though I was supposed to be too old for Disney channel by then. 
#realtalk I don't feel bad that this isn't an earth shattering  post because I'm in creative writing 2 next semester, and hey, it was nice getting to know you all.