Aug 26, 2015


I am from the sun. I was literally born from hydrogen and helium, bursting forth from the depths of the molten core. I was plucked from my resplendent home,
my glorified hiding place,
my exalted heaven,
and set here on faltering feet. I stare at my birthplace, memories fading into obscurity, until no amount of psychological probing could retrieve them. I feel jagged stones beneath my feet, and the air splinters around me, smooth and sharp. I furrow my brow, perplexed at my solitude. I see mountains lining the horizon.

I am from the sun, the soothing solace felt when it touches your skin. I glow like the source I sprung from, although it fades with time. Time is different here in my prison. My movement and thought processes are unclear and become slower as it washes over my body.
I close my eyes.

When I open them, I am blazing.