Sep 3, 2015

Cowboys and Indians

I remember Preference
The hat you wore.
I'm pretty sure you were the only one wearing one
but it suited you.
I remember the date we went on to the rodeo
you wore it there.
You told me to keep it upside down so your luck wouldn't leak out.
You moved away.
I'm sure you wear it there too.
I'm sure you tell another girl to keep it upside down.
I'm sure you stay longer than you should talking to her.
I'm sure you sneak out with her friends.
I'm sure you won't come back.
So stay if she makes you happy.
But don't forget you almost kissed me
with your hat on. 


  1. Love the simplicity and the emotion!!!! Great stuff :)

  2. "You told me to keep it upside down so your luck wouldn't burn out"
    Strong line. I like it.

  3. this was simple and so good, plus that closing line is great.
